A Psychological Horror Short Story: Trapped by sleepless nights and despair, Jeff finds solace in a mysterious therapist's free offer, but the deeper he delves, the darker the cost.
My first viewing of your work. Nice presentation. Good reading. Well done, Newton. Well done.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Chet.
This was a good one! Short and not so sweet.
I really enjoyed writing it.
Oh, this was wonderful!
It was great fun to write and narrate. Having been through a fair amount of therapy this year, it was cathartic.
Nice twist! 💀
Cheers Sean!
My first viewing of your work. Nice presentation. Good reading. Well done, Newton. Well done.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Chet.
This was a good one! Short and not so sweet.
I really enjoyed writing it.
Oh, this was wonderful!
It was great fun to write and narrate. Having been through a fair amount of therapy this year, it was cathartic.
Nice twist! 💀
Cheers Sean!