Newt's Nightmares🦎#106
Newt's Nightmares provide subscribers with news on the author's latest work, upcoming releases, and events.
Newt's Nightmares
Greetings, my wicked darlings!
Dark tidings from the Newt. We’ve had a touch of tragedy in the family, and I’m currently sharing the role of full-time carer with my dear sister.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Newt, you aren’t qualified for that. You have all the empathy of a wart.” Ordinarily, you’d be correct. I am a ghastly toe of a human being. But when it comes to my family, I’d move heaven and earth for them—or at least commit to writing a story where someone else does it on my behalf.
On to the good news: Amazon has chosen Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 1 for a Kindle deal! For the month of February, it’s only £0.99 in the UK—cheaper than a Greggs sausage roll. If you’d like a taste before committing, here’s a FREE copy of The Tattoo. If it titillates you, and Greggs is out of reach, click HERE to view Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 1 on Amazon.
January saw the release of my novella-length horror, The Braemoor Incident, which was positively received. I also narrated the short story #43: The Grimsdyke Ghouls, first published in TotM 1—you can watch it HERE or purchase the book on Amazon HERE.
I’ve just finished writing Ocean Lotus and I look forward to sharing that with you next week.
Sweet screams,
Horror Story Compilations
Things That Go Bump In The Night: 62 FREE horror stories, including: ‘The Braemoor Incident’, ‘The Tattoo’, ‘Dark Waters’, ‘Of Politeness and Protocol’ and ‘One More Turn’.
Dark Reads: 63 horror stories, including ‘Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 1’, ‘Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 2’, ‘Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 3,’ ‘Festival of the Damned,’ ‘The Morrígan,’ ‘The Horror at Hargrave Hall,’ ‘The Blood Eagle.’
If you enjoyed this email, then please consider Tales of the Macabre, Vol. 1. My first collected works on Amazon containing sixteen short stories and novellas by Newton Webb.
Newton Webb Bibliography
Available on Amazon
Collected Works
2022 – The Heir Apparent, Novella
2018 – The Morrígan, Novella
2017 – Nestor Lynch, Novel
2013 – Festival of The Damned, Novella
2012 – The Platinum Service, Novella
1958 – The Black Fog, Short Story
1864 – Smoke in the Sewers, Novella
1832 – The Horror at Hargrave Hall, Novella
1818 – The Ballad of Barnacle Bill, Novella
1194 – Hunted, Short Story
Read a collection of free short stories or listen to free audiobooks by Newton Webb on his website.